What an incredible program! Students in grades 6-8 learned basic circuits, programmed microcontrollers, and built cave-proof electronics projects. They got to test their projects in a giant bucket of muddy cave water, and then bring the projects down to CityROCK to try them in the CaveSim system there. Not only that, but each student got to rappel into the cave, and everyone got a behind-the-scenes tour of the system and the associated electronics.
Learning soldering (left) and “Look at what I built! It works!” All photos in this post by CSS staff.
Left: Dave helps a student debug his circuit. Right: Building a circuit with a computer chip!
Left: Students work on their circuits. They also learned computer programming by writing code for their computer chips. Center: caver Patricia Malone helps a student. Right: Learning to use power tools to drill holes in a container for a waterproof flashlight.
Left: Reviewing a design by talking with Dave. Right: Circuits are for girls!